Monday, April 11, 2016

Creepiest, weirdest stuff you'll find in Fallout 2

The Pickman Gallery

Oh, man… the Pickman Gallery. We're just going to cut straight to the chase: this is probably the most "nope"-inducing place in all of the Commonwealth in Fallout 4. The house is made up of three floors and each one is a doozy, full of mangled corpses and blood splattered everywhere. As you make your way through the basement, past the various chopped-up body parts, you'll come upon a group of raiders attacking Pickman himself. It's clear from all of the bodies and buckets upon buckets of blood everywhere that Pickman is some deranged serial killer, so you can either leave him to his fate or rescue him. If you choose the latter, he'll gift you with a key that opens up a safe containing a named weapon called Pickman's Blade. Just be informed that if you save him, you'll have saved a creepy murderer who paints with the blood of his victims.

The Dunwich Borers

The Dunwich Borers in Fallout 4 is more or less a sequel to the Dunwich Building from Fallout 3. If you decide to travel to this godforsaken place, you'll find what looks to be an ordinary quarry. Sure, it's full of ghouls and traps, but if you can manage to clear it, you can enter an underground portion that houses something… paranormal. Sounding familiar yet? The prize for getting through another set of supernatural flashbacks and armies of ghouls is a nifty weapon called Kremvh's Tooth, which is located in a pool of irradiated water. It should be noted that this weapon was used as a sacrificial knife and is also another reference to H.P. Lovecraft. And, as a word of warning, try not to enter the pool while wearing a suit of Power Armor, because it'll sink to the depths of the pool and become irretrievable.

Vault 11
Now we come to Vault 11, otherwise known as one of the most savage of Vault-Tec's vaults. It should be common knowledge by now that every vault set up by Vault-Tec also doubled as an experiment of sorts. What makes Vault 11 fascinating was that it was a social experiment that tested out the inhabitants to see what they'd do when told to sacrifice a fellow vault-dweller every year. Refusal to pick an annual sacrifice would result in the extermination of all vault-dwellers.

When you enter the vault, you find four dead bodies lying on the ground by the entrance. As you delve deeper and deeper into the vault, you can unravel the mystery about the bodies and find out the full story. You eventually find out that by the time everyone decided to stop with the sacrifices, only five people were left. Four of them agreed to kill themselves and to bury the secret of the vault with their deaths, but the fifth one decided otherwise and shot the other four before fleeing into the wastes. And that, friend, is why you discover four corpses at the entrance.

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