A brand new first-party title coming to PlayStation 4, The Last Guardian follows the story of a young boy who befriends a giant bird, dog, and cat hybrid creature named Trico. The adventure is based around solving puzzles by manipulating Trico in order to get around obstacles and enemies.
Amazingly, the title has been in development since 2007 and was originally aimed for a 2011 release date on the PS3, but the launch was postponed due to hardware limitations. Now The Last Guardian finally has a gameplay trailer and it looks like the game is going to be both unique and beautiful.
The Last Guardian is confirmed for a 2016 release, exclusively for PS4.
Mass Effect: Andromeda
The Mass Effect trilogy is well-known as one of the most iconic and successful franchises that modern gaming has seen, so it should be no surprise that the next title, Mass Effect: Andromeda, is one of our most anticipated games. Andromeda takes place after the events of the original trilogy, in an entirely different galaxy, complete with new races to encounter and new planets to explore.
While the iconic Commander Shepard will not be returning in Mass Effect: Andromeda, Bioware’s history of excellent character development ensures that the new protagonist and their companions will be as fleshed-out and detailed as we’ve come to expect from the company.
Mass Effect: Andromeda will release in the 4th Quarter for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
Crackdown 3
An impressive 6 years after the release of the previous entry in the franchise, Crackdown 3 is set to explode onto our consoles next year. Famous for the series’ extreme physics and destructive nature, Crackdown 3 looks like it will live up to all expectations. With an engine that aims to allow everything and anything to be destroyed, the sandbox game has been an ambitious task for developers Reagent Games and is one of Microsoft’s flagship exclusives.
Crackdown 3 will release in the 4th Quarter, exclusively for Xbox One.
The Hitman series has been a popular franchise for almost 15 years, becoming famous for its intuitive gameplay and creative methods of completing missions. The new game, which received an impressive looking gameplay trailer at E3 2015, will be the first major Hitman game since 2012’s release of the critically acclaimed Hitman Absolution.
Hitman will release on March 11th, for PS4, Xbox One and PC.
Hitman will release on March 11th, for PS4, Xbox One and PC.
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